
Monday, March 19, 2007

Banana Guard (NO PUN INTENDED} & See a Malay speak Mandarin!

In this clip from today’s Mezamashi TV, a somewhat annoying reporter just so happens to discover a man walking on the street with a Banana Guard in his bag. After a faked scene in which she looks quite serious listening to a company spokesperson explain in English that most bananas will fit inside the Banana Guard, she obtains 100 bananas to see just how many of them will fit inside the case:

Watch the tourism malaysia video!!!
see how funny a malay guy speaks mandarin!!
har har har!!!

Just signed up for a rm 10 exam...its called Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
There are three levels...fucking tuff!
anyways wish me luck

Okay here's the lantern festival in Taipei...Bolehland (MALAYSIA) entered a lantern or float....u can see KLCC n the EYE of MALAYSIA