
Friday, February 16, 2007

Tommy this is the stuff...too many cant take lotsa pics
went shopping with my gf and got her these few things

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

meet the pigs

looks like...umm...

why is side a lil wet...?
is it pig juice?

so many pigs!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I would like to introduce to you the Texas Instruments BA II Plus!
it costs $NT 1000 which is like rm 130 i think

You might ask why is it so fucking expensive..well its an "advanced Financial calculator"
gf needs to to take her Chartered Financial ANALyst exams! whch costs around rm 3200 each level and has 3 levels...
I think I will be taking it too!

it can calculate time value of money

NPV which is net present value
IRR internal rate of return
har har...i took all this shit in university
time for my financial classes to pay off...I SHINE MY SMARTNESS har har har!!!

Lets take a look

lets a closer look


CF is cash flow
npv is net present value
pmt is payment!

me know this stuff cuz i learned it!!!

look how fcuking thick the manual is

this is the first page

this is chapter one

chapter 9

so here's the whole thing
guidebook packaging and the star itself!
if this calculator doesnt make my gf sexier....I dont know what does....girls and calculators make me horny!

Monday, February 12, 2007

When I saw this it looked like they were doing the baby boogie...
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U go figure...I bought these stickers

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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

MY gf likes big stuff...heheheheh
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HIV Spreading Rapidly in Malaysia
The number of HIV infections in Malaysia could surge by more than fourfold to 300,000 by 2015 as the virus spreads rapidly from high-risk groups to the general public, a senior health official warned Sunday.

Other than drug addicts, official statistics indicate the HIV virus that causes AIDS is spreading quickly to women, fishermen, lorry drivers and factory workers, said Ramlee Rahmat, deputy director-general of public health.

Some 73,000 Malaysians have been infected with HIV, of which 75 percent are intravenous drug users and 7 percent are women, he said.

"Based on the trend that we are seeing, HIV infections can escalate to 300,000 cases by 2015 if we do not do anything," Ramlee said.

The government has taken aggressive steps to fight HIV transmission under a five-year national strategic plan launched in 2006, he said.

This include drug substitution therapy and needle exchange programs for drug addicts, and providing free antiretroviral drugs at government clinics especially for women and children.

"We have put up intervention measures. We are taking this very seriously. If we carry out our plans effectively and the public cooperates with us, we will be successful in curbing the spread of the disease," he added.

UNAIDS has last year said Malaysia was among several Asia-Pacific countries that risked an HIV epidemic among drug users unless the government took the problem more seriously.

Three people die from AIDS-related illness every day in Malaysia, the Health Ministry has said. It warned last year that the spread of AIDS could wipe out Malaysia's development made over the last 50 years and devastate the economy.
The Associated Press

Sunday, February 11, 2007

this is what I have been eating this couple of weeks after dinner...i started to develop a sweet tooth these days...
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The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Interesting fact about Taiwan are encouraged to dump your used shitpaper into the bin instead of putting it in the toilet.
reason: if u dump it with the poop the toilet might back up and you'll get curry with potatoes...maybe corn also if u had corn!

I'ed like to introduce you to my friend....flusher
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Here's some funny stuff I saw around Taipei...

it puts it in plain simple English...Do Me!!!!

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this would be a cool idea..SATAN keep my notebook cool...those metal heads would dig this.!