I would like to introduce to you the Texas Instruments BA II Plus!
it costs $NT 1000 which is like rm 130 i think

You might ask why is it so fucking expensive..well its an "advanced Financial calculator"
gf needs to to take her Chartered Financial ANALyst exams! whch costs around rm 3200 each level and has 3 levels...
I think I will be taking it too!

it can calculate time value of money
NPV which is net present value
IRR internal rate of return
har har...i took all this shit in university
time for my financial classes to pay off...I SHINE MY SMARTNESS har har har!!!
Lets take a look

lets a closer look

CF is cash flow
npv is net present value
pmt is payment!
me know this stuff cuz i learned it!!!
look how fcuking thick the manual is

this is chapter one

so here's the whole thing
guidebook packaging and the star itself!
if this calculator doesnt make my gf sexier....I dont know what does....girls and calculators make me horny!
1 comment:
i think ur retarded
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